Long before the electric motor was developed, air driven motors, or pneumatic motors were used. Hongxin Luftmikser are crucial to industries which require the use of careful and heavy strength twisting power, such as in the tightening wood screws inside sheet metal plates or drilling small-sized holes into bricks; with ease and safety.
Air driven motors are the kept secret that is transforming factories around the world. Hongxin Air Umbilical vinsjer, unlike electric or hydraulic motors do not set off sparks in an explosion prone environment. These can be turned on and off rapidly without melting down, so they are excellent for application where speed demand vary all the time.
When we need to take care of the Earth, air driven motors are best alternative. In addition, Hongxin Luftmiksere i rustfritt stål utilize clean dry air not dirty polluting oils as used in hydraulic systems. The energy expended needed to compress air can also be retrieved by converting the used --impressed--air back into energy. Version is playing a role in ecological production and air motors are becoming an integral part of sustainable Industry Version.
On a mine or an oil rig there is little potential for electricity and not many opportunities to fix things. Hongxin JIB kraner med luftkjedetaljer work good for these tough places, because air motors are simple and robust. Since there is always power available as long as you have some compressed air which can be stored and transported easily, because the only thing required to move a piston or a turbine powered by compressed air (an oil free solution!) are two chambers: One drinking up sucked out hot gas while expanding and driving your generators in the process of losing its heat energy - what could not get lost here instead.
While air-driven motors could get more expensive at the outset, in the long haul they will able to be cheaper. Since air motors are simpler (they have fewer moving parts) than electric or hydraulic motors, they will not wear out as quickly and will be cheaper to maintain. Oil them, filter change and they last forever. Hongxin Tilbehør til luftmotorer are capable of withstanding both higher amounts and temperatures so they last longer, require less maintenance to keep them running in the long run
The company primarily produces pneumatic products, which are powered by compressed air and transforms pressure energy into mechanical energy. These products have many advantages such as high efficacy, air driven motor. It offers broad ranges of products including air motors, air winches, air mixers, etc. and has been repeatedly approved by CCS, CE, ATEX. They popular in domestic and international markets, and are widely used ships offshore platforms mining, metallurgy, papers, food and chemical industries, among others.
Hongxin provides variety of choices for it products, such as pneumatic motors. We have air driven motor and piston motors with different horsepower (0.33KW-22KW) and reducers to provides various alternatives. Based the existing standards products the pneumatic mixers are able to be customized to meet customer requirements. Pneumatic winches aren't just capable of adjusting pulling forces however, they also have a number custom-designed functions like automatic rope arrangements and emergency stop. They can also be made to be customized by adjusting fixed lengths, loads limits and fixed lengths.
In the field using different equipment, we have rich knowledge. Pneumatic motors for instance can be used for replacing motors, mixing motors and also transmission. On ships, in air driven motor and move around, as well as various other scenarios the use of pneumatic winches is common. Pneumatic mixers mix and mix materials that have different capacities and viscosities, and also for various ways of installing you can select best model in line with the particular usage scenario.
We will works with customers to develops solutions that meet their requirements and air driven motor. We will offers solutions customers within 24hrs after sales. Additionally, we will provides and sell repairs kits for the pneumatic parts to meets requirements of customers.