Discovering the 10 T Air Hoist
The integration of air hoists into industrial processes is essential for those industries that are involved in moving or lifting heavy equipment and materials. Most manufactures utilize compressed air because compressors are capable of providing consistent and substantial level of energy for rigorous applications. The 10 ton air hoist is a versatile and one of the most preferred alternatives among air hoists
Хонгсин Агаарын өргөгч was built to lift and carry loads as heavy as ten tons, or 20,000 pounds. With a 20,000 pound lift capacity, this is ideal for any industrial application, from manufacturing to mining and construction or oil & gas operations. This 10 ton air hoist has the ability to handle heavy machinery, equipment, and raw materials with ease as it can lift loads without any accidents occurring, thus helps increase operational efficiency.
Load: Max load capacity of 10 tons ie., up to 20,000 LBS
Raise Speed: Operates at between 3 and 15 feet per minute typically increments dimension subject to the model you choose from for which manufacturer
Control: Air-powered controls allow operators to perform precision raise and lower functions with ease
Easy to install: It can be easily mounted on an overhead beam or a gantry crane with the help of a custom-made trolley or hook suspension
Materials: For long-term durability, steel with high tensile strength was used
Protection: Developed with needed protection in position, including an overload arm or 400 lb. leg and also an emergency situation stop switch and automatic brake
Advantages of the 10 Ton Air Hoist
Power and Speed: Hongxin Агаараар ажилладаг өргөгч can lift bulky loads in minimal time, as the air-powered motor assists it to work quickly.
Reliability: The robust construction of the 10 ton air hoist guarantees long-lasting performance and reliability even in harsh environments
Integrated security features that stop accidents, damages and injuries; not only guarantee the safety of the operator but also other workers on the job site
Economical: Ideal for tasks involving heavy lifting and relocation, offers a budget-friendly alternative to costly options such as hydraulic or electric hoists.
Хонгсин Агаарын гинжин өргөгч can be used in a wide variety of industries and situations such as:
ideal for lifting and moving heavy machinery, plant equipment inside the manufacturing facilities, helping save on downtime and improving productivity
While it is most commonly used in construction where steel beams, concrete blocks and precast panels are handled regularly, making another valuable contribution to your construction sites
Mining: In mining facilities which are used to lift the heavy ore and minerals, this product helps in improving safety and operational efficiency
Oil and Gas – This is used in industry like oil and gas exploration where heavy than boulders are moved with high special material, handling requirements in dirty-and-dangerous environments
Transportation Uses: Used for loading and unloading of heavy cargo, it is primarily used on ships but can also be used in land-based trucking or front-loading transportation "Containerization eliminates the long process”.
When choosing an air hoist, there are certain factors that one must consider:
Hoisting Speed: Depending on the overhead hoist's need, registering in timespan practice opt for a hoisting rate or one with minute raise preparation if you have to do some steps that needs quicker lift speeds
Control: Look for a hoist that has easy-to-use controls, providing accurate and smooth lifting/lowering operations
Mounting: Choose between different mounting solutions, depending on where you need to lift and if it is eg., roof beams, cranes or mobile trolleys
Safety Features: Make sure that the hoist includes certain safety features like overload protection, emergency stop button, and automatic brake system, which can prevent any accidents happening during its use
Maintenance: The best hoist is the one which is strong, simple to maintain, and easy parts in the market and Hongxin Агаараар ажилладаг гинжин өргөгч is that.
In the field using different equipment, we have rich knowledge. Pneumatic motors for instance can be used for replacing motors, mixing motors and also transmission. On ships, in 10 ton air hoist and move around, as well as various other scenarios the use of pneumatic winches is common. Pneumatic mixers mix and mix materials that have different capacities and viscosities, and also for various ways of installing you can select best model in line with the particular usage scenario.
Бид үйлчлүүлэгчидтэй хамтран ажиллаж тэдний шаардлагад нийцсэн шийдэл, 10 тоннын агаар өргөгчийг боловсруулах болно. Бид борлуулалтын дараа 24 цагийн дотор шийдлүүдийг хэрэглэгчдэд санал болгоно. Мөн бид хэрэглэгчдийн шаардлагад нийцүүлэн пневматик эд ангиудын засварын иж бүрдэл нийлүүлж, борлуулах болно.
The company 10 ton air hoist, which powered by compressed air and transforms pressure energy into mechanical energy. These products offers many benefits in terms of effectiveness, safety and explosions proof. It comes with ranges of products like air motors, air winches, air mixers, etc. They have been repeatedly accredited by CCS, CE, ATEX. These products are popular on the domestic and overseas markets. They are widely used in ships, offshore platforms, mining, metallurgy, paper, food chemicals, and various other industries.
Hongxin нь пневматик мотор зэрэг олон төрлийн бүтээгдэхүүнээр хангадаг. Бид төрөл бүрийн чадалтай (0.33КВт-22КВт) ир болон поршений моторуудыг санал болгож, илүү их сонголтуудыг санал болгодог. Одоо байгаа стандарт бүтээгдэхүүнд үндэслэн пневматик холигчийг 10 тоннын агаар өргөх төхөөрөмжид тохируулан өөрчилж болно. Пневматик эргүүлэг нь янз бүрийн хүчийг татах боломжийг олгохоос гадна олсны автомат зохицуулалт, яаралтай зогсоох, тогтмол урт, ачааллын хязгаарлалт зэрэг хувийн функцуудыг гүйцэтгэх боломжтой.